Friends of the San Luis Valley Refuges Present: Conservation Efforts for the Endangered Birds in the SLV and What's Going on at the Alamosa, Baca, and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuges.
Abstract: Two Endangered Species Act listed bird species breed in the San Luis Valley - the endangered Southwestern willow flycatcher and the threatened Yellow-billed cuckoo. To provide regulatory assurances to landowners and help conserve both species, several groups came together to finalize the SLV Regional Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) in 2012. Tim Carden, HCP Coordinator, will provide an overview about the HCP, the birds it covers, and initial results from the coordinated 2020 Valley-wide flycatcher survey.
There will also be an update about activities on the San Luis Valley Refuges from the Refuge managers, Suzanne Beauchaine and Ron Garcia, and Project Leader Sharon Vaughn.
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Meeting ID: 878 9896 7797
Passcode: 144959
Friends of SLV Refuges
PO Box 857 Monte Vista, CO 81144