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Friends of the San Luis Valley National Wildlife Refuges


  • 9 Jun 2023 1:42 PM | Stephanie and Doug Ouren

    The new one-mile hiking trail at the Baca NWR makes the news! Also note June Visitor Center hours included in the article!

    SLV Lifestyles article

  • 6 May 2023 3:46 PM | Stephanie and Doug Ouren

    When: Friday, May 19
    Where: Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge
    What:  The Dark Sky Refuge Rendezvous is a gathering for our local SLV community to discover the night together! This event will offer a brief presentation about the dark sky movement and local night sky preservation efforts, a night sky hike (limited and pre-registration required), and a star party including a constellation tour and telescope viewing. The Dark Sky Refuge Rendezvous is hosted by SLV GO! And supported by dark sky partners including the San Luis Valley Refuge Complex, Great Sand Dunes National Park, and Colorado Springs Astronomical Society. This event is dedicated to our local SLV community, but is open to all! For more info and to register for hike:

  • 18 Apr 2023 10:12 AM | Stephanie and Doug Ouren

    April 24-30th: Volunteers are needed for shorebird survey. Please see flyer for more information.  Audubon shorebird invite.pdf

  • 17 Apr 2023 6:17 AM | Stephanie and Doug Ouren

    April 11 weather was perfect for a burn at the Monte Vista and Alamosa Wildlife Refuges.  Below photos from Monte Vista Refuge (Doug Ouren photo credit) at about 6 p.m.

  • 27 Mar 2023 3:12 PM | Stephanie and Doug Ouren

    This site show current e-Bird sightings for past few days.  Still many here in the SLV, but some moving north as well..Cick here for Cranefinder map

  • 12 Feb 2023 9:07 AM | Stephanie and Doug Ouren

    Amid much national news about Avian flu, sandhill cranes in Florida have recently been found to be affected. You can read more in this Tampa Bay Times article.

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